Barriere di protezione pubblicitarie 5pz- Advertising protection barriers 5pcs
Barriere di protezione pubblicitarie per pista in scala 1:32. Gli attacchi sono perfetti per piste Ninco e Scalextric. Ottima come barriera per evitare l'uscita di auto in curve o rettilinei, e perfetta per arredare il tuo circuito con scritte pubblictarie. Essendo realizzata in plastica liscia in entrambi, permette di attaccare adesivi su entrambi i lati. Fatta in un solo pezzo, risulta estremamente elastica ed utilizzabile in ogni raggio di curva o rettilineo. Data la sua elaticità riesce ad assorbire i colpi più duri delle auto. Vengono vendute in confezioni da 5 pezzi. Ogni barriera pubblicitaria misura 18x3cm. Progettato e realizzato in stampa 3D nei nostri laboratori.
Advertising barriers for tracks in 1:32 scale. The bindings are perfect for Ninco and Scalextric tracks. Excellent as a barrier to avoid the exit of cars in curves or straights, and perfect for decorating your circuit with advertising writings. Being made of smooth plastic in both, it allows you to attach stickers on both sides. Made in a single piece, it is extremely elastic and can be used in any curve or straight radius. Given its flexibility it is able to absorb the hardest blows of cars. They are sold in packs of 5 pieces. Each advertising barrier measures 18x3cm. Designed and made in 3D printing in our laboratories.
Advertising barriers for tracks in 1:32 scale. The bindings are perfect for Ninco and Scalextric tracks. Excellent as a barrier to avoid the exit of cars in curves or straights, and perfect for decorating your circuit with advertising writings. Being made of smooth plastic in both, it allows you to attach stickers on both sides. Made in a single piece, it is extremely elastic and can be used in any curve or straight radius. Given its flexibility it is able to absorb the hardest blows of cars. They are sold in packs of 5 pieces. Each advertising barrier measures 18x3cm. Designed and made in 3D printing in our laboratories.
Categoria Decorazioni