Tavolo bar per hospitality 1:32 5 pz- Hospitality bar table 1:32 scale 5 pcs
Tavolo bar per hospitality. Il meglio per rendere elegante il tuo diorama. Colore bianco. Altezza cm 3,4 e diametro tavolo 3,5cm. In due pezzi ad incastro (base e piano tavolo). Venduto in confezioni da 5 pezzi. Se desiderato, puoi chiederci di produrne in altri colori nelle note di ordine. La confezione comprende solo i tavoli. Tutto quanto in foto è solo a scopo dimostrativo.
Bar table for hospitality. The best to make your diorama elegant. White color. Height 3.4 cm and table diameter 3.5 cm. In two interlocking pieces (base and table top). Sold in packs of 5 pieces. If desired, you can ask us to produce them in other colors in the order notes. The package includes only the tables. Everything in the picture is for demonstration purposes only.
Bar table for hospitality. The best to make your diorama elegant. White color. Height 3.4 cm and table diameter 3.5 cm. In two interlocking pieces (base and table top). Sold in packs of 5 pieces. If desired, you can ask us to produce them in other colors in the order notes. The package includes only the tables. Everything in the picture is for demonstration purposes only.
Categoria Decorazioni